Background to Treason: A Brief History of U.S. Policy in the Middle EastNational Vanguard |
Realistically, books like Germany Must
Perish, A Guide for the Bedevilled, and dozens of others in
a similar vein probably played a relatively minor direct role in generating
a genocidal fervor among ordinary Americans before and during the war.
The average B-17 or B-24 pilot carpet-bombing residential areas in German
cities, the P-47 or P-51 pilot strafing civilian refugee columns along
German roads probably hadn't read any of them. Instead he absorbed most
of his Jewish hate propaganda through more popular media: motion pictures,
radio broadcasts, and magazines.
But the books set the pattern and provided the rationale. Kaufman's mass-sterilization scheme was widely quoted by more influential writers. The grotesque caricature of Germans developed in Hecht's book was the model he and other Hollywood scriptwriters used in concocting their poisonous films. The "lime kiln freight cars" idea -- and a thousand other "Holocaust" inventions -- were picked up by the magazine writers and integrated into a whole mythology of German wickedness. Gradually the threads from the 1930's were drawn together during the 1940's and woven into a fabric of hatred which was used to stifle the thinking of a people. It was only through this Jewish fabric that the average American was permitted to view the world during the 1940's.
Like Kaufman, Morgenthau called for dismembering Germany and forcing the German people into slave-labor battalions. He also demanded an end to all German-language publications and the closing of all German schools. Instead of using forcible sterilization to eliminate the Germans as Kaufman urged, however, Morgenthau planned to accomplish the same thing through starvation. All Germany's industries were to be dismantled completely; her mines -- including coal mines -- were to be sealed permanently; and her people were to be herded into an area about half the size of prewar Germany -- essentially a large concentration camp -- and isolated from the world. And then they were to be left to starve. Morgenthau stipulated that the Allied armies of occupation were to give them no assistance whatever: "The Allied Military Government shall not assume responsibility for such economic problems as price controls, rationing, unemployment, production, reconstruction, distribution, consumption, housing or transportation, or take any measures designed to maintain or strengthen the German economy, except those which are essential to military operations. The responsibility for sustaining the German economy and people rests with the German people with such facilities as may be available under the circumstances." [20] Stripped of her mines, her factories, and nearly half of her farmland, and denied the food imports which had been a necessity even before the war, those "facilities" would be sufficient for Germany to maintain a population of perhaps 30 million persons at a bare subsistence level -- which implies that 50 million must starve to death. Morgenthau presented this policy -- which came to be known as the "Morgenthau Plan" -- at the 1944 Quebec Conference (September 11-16) between Roosevelt and Churchill. Even Churchill, one of the most irresponsible political leaders of modern times, was appalled by what he called "this cruel, un-Christian" plan. History has no record of Morgenthau's response to having his scheme denounced as "un-Christian," but it does note that the British prime minister was eventually persuaded to drop his objections when Morgenthau offered him a bribe in the form of a $6.5-billion loan from the U.S. Treasury. Secretary of State Cordell Hull (1871-1955) and Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson (1867-1950), both of whom were intensely anti-German, also objected vehemently to the Morgenthau Plan. Stimson told Roosevelt that the Morgenthau Plan would reduce not only Germany but all of Europe to chaos. "It would be a crime against civilization itself," he said. Morgenthau was able to out-maneuver Stimson, however, by using Jews in the War Department as his secret agents. One of them in particular, Colonel David Marcus, kept Morgenthau informed of Stimson's plans. Another, Colonel Bernard Bernstein, on the SHAEF staff, intercepted the draft copy of the War Department directive (JCS 1067) to Elsenhower which specified the policies to be followed by the Allied occupation forces in Germany and sent a copy to Morgenthau. The latter immediately complained to Roosevelt that the Army was planning to be too soft on Germany. Eventually Morgenthau was able to force a revision of JCS 1067, so that the final version incorporated major features of his plan. Hull was furious when he discovered that Morgenthau had persuaded Roosevelt to adopt the plan. In his memoirs Hull wrote of Morgenthau's arrogant meddling generally and his eagerness to advance Jewish interests at the expense of American interests. ... Despite the fact that ... [Morgenthau] was not at all fully or accurately informed on a number of questions of foreign policy with which he undertook to interfere, we found from his earliest days in the Government that he seldom lost an opportunity to take long steps across the line of State Department jurisdiction. Emotionally upset by Hitler's rise and his persecution of the Jews, he often sought to induce the President to anticipate the State Department or act contrary to our better judgment. We sometimes found him conducting negotiations with foreign Governments which were the function of the State Department. His work in drawing up a catastrophic plan for the postwar treatment of Germany, and inducing the President to accept it without consulting with the State Department, was an outstanding instance of this interference. [21]Later in his memoirs Hull described Morgenthau's scheme as "a plan of blind vengeance." He went on to write of his personal reaction to it: This whole development at Quebec, I believe, angered me as much as anything that had happened during my career as Secretary of State. If the Morgenthau plan leaked out, as it inevitably would -- and shortly did -- it might well mean a bitter-end German resistance that could cause the loss of thousands of American lives. [22]American lives, of course, meant nothing to Morgenthau and his fellow Jews, nor were they concerned about the postwar reconstruction of Europe. Their primary concern was to maintain their control over Roosevelt and not let him be swayed by Hull and the other State Department "fascists" (as Morgenthau referred in his diaries to everyone who opposed his plan for Germany). In this they were were entirely successful.
Roosevelt had been worried in September and October 1944, during his campaign for a fourth term in the White House, that the American public might react unfavorably to the Morgenthau Plan and that his re-election might be endangered thereby. Because of this he had remained somewhat equivocal in his attitude. The controlled media, however, kept public opinion firmly in line, and after the election Roosevelt gave his full backing to the scheme. Morgenthau noted gleefully in his diary entry for March 20, 1945, that during a meeting with Roosevelt that day the President's son-in-law, Major John Boettiger, who was also present, had objected to the Morgenthau Plan, saying. "You don't want the Germans to starve," and Roosevelt had answered, "Why not?" Roosevelt died just three weeks later, and the new President, Harry Truman, who did not have quite as strong a stomach for Jews as his predecessor, put a quick end to Morgenthau's meddling in non-Treasury matters. He dropped Morgenthau from his cabinet altogether in July 1945. Nevertheless, the Morgenthau Plan was not repudiated by the U.S. government until 1947, and meanwhile the Jews continued to push for its full implementation. Few Americans were bold enough to buck the climate of hatred against Germany which the Jews had spent 12 years generating. What finally halted the punitive demolition of German factories, cutting down of German forests, flooding and sealing of German mines, and other moves intended to prevent permanently any German economic recovery was no awakening of White racial consciousness or rejection of Jewish hate propaganda, but American fear of Soviet expansion. [23] The Germans were not the only victims of the Jews' Second World War hate campaign, although they suffered the most from it. The Jews used the war to kill off their enemies wherever they could, and the moral climate of the war aided this purpose in two ways: first, it justified the most unspeakable crimes, so long as they were committed against "fascists," German or otherwise; and it established the Jews as a special class of victims, who had already suffered so much that whatever they did henceforth was to be forgiven them. In France American forces began displacing the German Army in the late summer of 1944. Wherever the Americans took over, horrible massacres of French civilians were carried out by the "Resistance" -- massacres with which American troops were under orders from Washington not to interfere, and in which the news media displayed an amazing lack of interest. An English journalist who spent the war in France and was an eyewitness to many of the events he later described, wrote: [24] There has never been, in the history of France, a bloodier period than that which followed the Liberation of 1944-1945. The massacres of 1944 were no less savage than the massacres of the Jacquerie, of St. Bartholomew, of the Revolutionary Terror, of the Commune; and they were certainly more numerous and on a wider scale....The armed gangs which committed these murders consisted not only of Jews, of course, but also of Gentiles: Communists, Gaullist reactionaries, and common criminals. But the propaganda which motivated them and which had been broadcast from French Algeria since its capitulation to the Allies in November 1942 was Jewish in inspiration. The policy of giving the murder gangs free rein was also Jewish, and it came directly from Washington. For as long as France was under the control of Allied troops, General Elsenhower was responsible for the maintenance of law and order there. But the only law under Eisenhower, from the time the German Wehrmacht withdrew until a new French government was established, was the law of Jewish vengeance. And in Germany GI's laughed as they watched starving German children rummage for scraps of food in the garbage behind U.S. Army mess halls -- garbage which sometimes was laced with soap powder as a "joke." The GI's could purchase sexual favors from the mothers of those children for a chocolate bar or a can of condensed milk. Morgenthau's policies, rigorously enforced by Eisenhower, resulted in a German civilian population so malnourished that 92 out of every 100 German babies born in the summer of 1945 died within 10 days. Jewish "commandos" in U.S. Army uniforms went on murder rampages in Berlin and other occupied cities. Equipped with captured lists of the home addresses of SS officers, National Socialist political leaders, writers, artists, and others who had participated in alerting pre-war Germany to the Jewish menace or in breaking the Jewish grip on German life went out night after night, unhindered by the military occupation authorities, to torture, rape, kill, and loot.
Eventually, of course, the exigencies of international power politics -- in particular, of the developing "Cold War" -- thwarted those whose aim was the annihilation of the German people. But the Jews had nevertheless made great gains for themselves by the war -- and the greatest of these was not the killing off of their enemies in Europe; it was what they had done to America. In mobilizing America to crush Hitler for them, the Jews had been forced to marshal their own resources as never before. By the end of the war their control of American public opinion was virtually total. Through their news and entertainment media, the Jews could set fashion trends and change attitudes; they could introduce fads and shift mores; they could bring forth a great burst of public indignation against a new piece of legislation or a court ruling or a governmental policy, or they could squelch incipient opposition to it; they could make an idea or a man seem either noble or perfidious; they could fan the flames of war hysteria and jingoism, or they could promote pacifism; they could change embarrassing historical facts into "myths" and inconvenient documents into "forgeries"; or they could proclaim the most infamous lie as "truth" and get most of the people to swallow it whole. The Jews had used this power to make Americans their accomplices in the greatest crime of which history has any record. And once they became accomplices, Americans thenceforth were obliged either to justify their collaboration with the Jews or to admit to murder. Thus, while the Jews had had to work very hard to get Americans into the mood to commit genocide on their German kinsmen in the first place, after the war it was relatively easy to keep the same Americans convinced that their cause had been a good one. Not only were the Jews' means of persuasion stronger, but Americans were readier than ever to be persuaded; they wanted to believe in the perfidy of the people they had killed and in the iniquity of the ideals and beliefs those people had held. Americans were morally disarmed when Jews began pushing forward their programs of racial "equality," feminism, homosexual "rights," unrestricted immigration, and the rest of the postwar programs designed to break down what was left of Americans' racial consciousness and sense of racial pride -- all programs which Hitler clearly would have opposed, and which, therefore, no right-thinking American could. And for the same reason it was easy for the Jews to sell the American people on their version of the "Holocaust": the more blameless the Jews were and the more atrociously they had been victimized by the wicked Germans, the more justified the Americans had been in killing the Germans -- and in sacrificing so many of their own lives doing it. Americans have been so ready to swallow the "Holocaust" story, in fact, that even today nearly every American schoolchild can parrot back the answer "six million," when asked how many Jews allegedly perished in the Second World War; but not one citizen in 100 knows how many Americans -- their own fathers and grandfathers -- died from saving the rest of the Jews from Hitler.
National Vanguard, 94 (April 1983), 15-21; National Vanguard, 96 (August 1983), 5-11. Selected articles from more recent issues of National Vanguard are online at the NA's website. |
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