Background to Treason: A Brief History of U.S. Policy in the Middle EastNational Vanguard |
For several years the average American
was exposed to two contradictory sources of information about Germany.
Unfortunately, the readers of the National Geographic Magazine were
outnumbered by housewives who read nothing but movie magazines and men
who read only the sports sections of their daily newspapers. And everyone
listened to the radio and went to the movies, media which were already
heavily Jewish in the 1930's.
Since voting was not restricted to citizens who were intelligent and well informed, and since the politicians could count, the Jewish propaganda against Germany very soon was echoed by ambitious Gentile legislators, bureaucrats, and office seekers. Publicity-hungry "celebrities," Jew-worshipping Christian ministers, and leftist academics were not far behind them. All of these were sought out by the Jews and persuaded to lend their names to public statements denouncing Hitler, his government, German policies, and the German people. Thus, the lies and the hatred were given an aura of respectability. The Germans, unfortunately, were no match for the Jews in this propaganda war. Not only did the Jews have more powerful media under their control than those accessible to the Germans and their sympathizers, but the Jews were cleverer -- and more brazen -- in appealing to the gullibility of their audience. Whereas most Germans naively assumed that the truth must ultimately prevail and that the Jews' lies would trip them up, the Jews better understood the plebeian mentality of the average American. It was a mentality which was quite capable of absorbing the most improbable lie, if the lie were repeated often and loudly enough. And, once absorbed, the lie would become impervious to reason and to all contrary evidence. Hitler, at least, was aware of this danger, and he had warned of it in 1925. The common people, he noted, lack the imagination of the Jews, just as they lack the Jews' shamelessness: Therefore ... the masses more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a little one, since they themselves lie in little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big. They will never invent a real whopper themselves, and they will not be able to believe in the possibility of such monstrous effrontery and infamous misrepresentation in others. Even when presented with the facts they will doubt and waver and continue to accept parts of the lie. Therefore, something of even the most insolent lie will always remain and stick, a fact which all of the great virtuosos of lying know only too well and of which they make the most treacherous use.The Jewish response to this warning was typical. Knowing that not one American in a hundred would have the gumption to find a copy of Mein Kampf and read for himself what Hitler actually had written, they brazenly turned Hitler's words against him, charging that he had boasted in Mein Kampf that he, not the Jews, swayed the masses by telling them the biggest lies possible; therefore, Hitler was an admitted liar, and nothing that he or his sympathizers said was to be believed. And, just as Hitler had warned, this whopper stuck. Even today one hears half-educated academics prattle knowingly about Hitler being the inventor and advocate of the "big lie" propaganda technique. Opening a copy of Mein Kampf to the place where Hitler warns of the Jewish use of this trick and rubbing such a savant's nose on the page will not cure him of his folly; he has heard Hitler blamed so often that he simply cannot believe, even when presented with the evidence in black and white, that it is all a matter of Jewish deceit. If Untermyer's lies in August 1933 were
outrageous, the lies the Jews and their collaborators subsequently told
about Germany, after they had shifted their propaganda machine into high
gear, surpassed all previous bounds of mendacity. They did not limit themselves
to inventing spurious atrocity stories, spurious statistics, spurious statements
attributed to Hitler and other German leaders, which were passed off as
"news"; they also played expertly on the average American's emotions and
instincts with undisguised fiction. Anti-German novels, anti-German short
stories, anti-German stage plays, anti-German comic strips, anti-German
nightclub acts, anti-German posters, and anti-German motion pictures were
all used effectively. The Jews, as born salesmen, realized instinctively
that the opinions and attitudes of most people are formed at a very primitive,
sub-rational level, where facts and reason are of little importance, and
they made the most of their realization.
Despite their overwhelming propaganda superiority, the Jews continued to worry that their opponents might succeed in getting their act together and begin countering the Jewish influence on American public opinion effectively. To head off such a possibility the Jews did not hesitate to use raw, physical intimidation. In 1938, for example, they had a group of their Gentile stooges lend their names to a statement warning Americans of German descent not to show any signs of sympathy for Hitler's programs in Germany or to help spread National Socialist ideas in the United States. If pro-German propaganda is tolerated, the statement threatened, "it cannot fail to create a cyst in the body politic of the American people. It will result in setting apart a large group of inhabitants of the United States whose duty it would be to render primary allegiance to the ruler of a foreign power. Friction between this group and the rest of the American people might result in unrest and possible bloodshed." [13] One can easily imagine the screams of indignant outrage which would be heard from the same people who cooked up this statement, if a group of prominent politicians, academics, and church leaders had offered the far more plausible suggestion that the toleration of Zionist propaganda would induce Jews to render a primary allegiance to a foreign power, Israel, with the possible consequence that the rest of the American people would regard them as traitors and shed their blood. The Roosevelt government also engaged in physical intimidation to silence the critics of the Jews. The Federal Bureau of Investigation harassed authors, editors, publishers, and lecturers who attempted to warn the American people that the Jews were brewing up a new war for their own ends. J. Edgar Hoover sent out his "black bag" squads to burglarize the homes and offices of law-abiding citizens and to steal their private papers and research materials, all without the slightest worry that the news media would cry "foul," as they did in the Vietnam era, when the shoe was on the other foot. After Pearl Harbor three highly publicized mass trials of dissidents were staged in Washington by Roosevelt's Justice Department in order to intimidate other opponents of the Jews' war aims into silence. One of the 28 persons charged in the first of these show trials was Ralph Townsend, an independent newsman from San Francisco who had spent many years in the Far East and was thoroughly familiar with the international political and diplomatic situation. Townsend's "crime" was the publication in January 1939, eight months before the outbreak of the war and nearly three years before America's entry into it, of a 61-page booklet he wrote, The High Cost of Hate. He had mailed thousands of copies of his booklet to legislators, educators, writers, and other influential persons, and he had sold tens of thousands of copies to the public. In it he argued persuasively that the intense Jewish propaganda campaign being waged against Germany and Japan was intended to provoke a war, that a war was not in the best interests of most Americans, and that the propagandists were liars. Townsend began his booklet thus: What is behind the campaigns of organized hate in America now?Townsend went on to present a clear and persuasive analysis of the motivations of the hatemongers, of the deceptions they were using, and of the harmful and dangerous effects of their hate on the American people. It is easy to understand why the Jews wanted to shut him up. It was hardly necessary, however, to drag him to Washington in handcuffs and leg irons for a show trial; that was merely a bit of Jewish spite, akin to that manifested these days each time some elderly German who played a role in the last war is hounded to his death. For the sad fact was that, by the time President Roosevelt's anti-Japanese policies had finally provoked the Pearl Harbor attack, the Jews were holding nearly all the cards. Father Coughlin, the populist priest who regularly opposed Roosevelt and the Jews on his radio broadcasts, continued reaching large numbers of people until ordered by the Pope in 1942 to shut up. But most men who, like Bob Townsend, were attempting to alert the American people and counter the Jews' war propaganda were effectively denied access to the mass media. They distributed pamphlets and leaflets, but the Jews, who controlled most radio broadcasting, virtually all of the cinema, and a substantial majority of the big-city daily press, swamped them. [14] This Jewish control of the mass news and entertainment media was the most important single factor behind the U.S. entry into the Second World War. The story of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, of the warnings Roosevelt had that the attack was coming, and of the coverup afterward, so that the pretense could be maintained that the attack was a "surprise," has been told elsewhere. [15] So has the story of the diplomatic and economic warfare which the Roosevelt government waged against Japan for five years before Pearl Harbor. All of those things are important -- but the fact remains that Roosevelt could not have gotten away with his anti-Japanese campaign (without which there would have been no Pearl Harbor attack) if there had not been a concurrent propaganda campaign to justify it in the minds of the public. Not only did the Jews wage a hate-propaganda
campaign of unprecedented magnitude in the years 1933-1941, but they simultaneously
strengthened and expanded their capability for waging future campaigns.
What began with Samuel Untermyer's half-hour tirade of lies over New York
radio station WABC on August 6, 1933, had become by December 7, 1941, a
non-stop flood of poison into the mind of every American. And the propaganda
apparatus which enabled the Jews to send millions of Americans overseas,
with hate in their hearts, to kill the Jews' enemies in the years 1942-1945
was the same apparatus which, with the addition of the medium of television,
enabled them to paralyze the will of Americans to resist the scrapping
of their immigration laws and the racial mongrelization of their society
in the postwar years.
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