Facing Racial RealitiesKevin Alfred Strom |
The word "racism" has been turned
into a synonym for evil. But racism only means having racial feelings --
a feeling of kinship with your racial brothers and sisters, a feeling of
understanding and belonging, a feeling of being part of a culture, a part
of something bigger than ourselves.
Racial feelings are inborn in us. They are good and natural. And it is one of this century's most horrible deceptions to paint them as somehow wrong. If you want to call our normal racial feelings racism, then so be it. We'll call those feelings racism. As long as there are races there will be racism. It is inborn, has an evolutionary purpose and survival value, and is even present in non-human species. Racial feelings are about as likely to disappear as are sexual feelings. Actually, racism is good and necessary for the continued branching off of new types of human beings from the existing stocks. Evolution, so far as we know, operates primarily by such branching, and racial feelings are an important part of what keeps the branches apart. At some point, homo sapiens sapiens refused to breed with the sub-men around him. Mallards and wood ducks can interbreed, and may even do so under certain freak conditions. But the mentality of these birds, even when they live in the same territory, makes them shun the other type. The branches, once one, are now separate for all time. Most Whites -- even most liberal Whites -- instinctively choose Whites as neighbors, school mates, and life mates. This is good and natural and really has nothing at all to do with the emotion of hate. Evolution, branching, and separation have brought about all the wonderful diversity of creation that we see around us. It is Nature's way. It is God's way. And virtually all of natural history is testament to the natural preference of species, subspecies, and races to cleave to their own kind. It is only by acknowledging the wisdom of our racial feelings that the wonderful qualities of our race can be preserved. Our society once protected (admittedly in an imperfect way) the gene pool that produced Da Vinci, Aristotle, Mozart, Beethoven, and the builders of the Saturn V rocket. It does not do so any longer. The multiculturalists and multiracialists are in the ascendant in the West and promulgate a moral paradigm in which defense of our gene pool is evil ("racist"). This, in my view, is destructive, even genocidal. White Americans -- and Whites around
the world -- are, in increasing numbers, beginning to see themselves (again)
as a people with a common history and common interests and values. Whites
instinctively feel a kinship that they do not feel with Arabs, Africans,
Asians, or Australoids. They inwardly respond to Beethoven as they cannot
respond to the call from the Minaret or the beat of African drums. They
are inspired by the Gothic spires of Germany and Spain, the Parthenon,
the Pantheon, and the Arch of Titus; but the Wailing Wall, the altars of
the Incas, and the cryptic tribal art on the walls of the New York subway
system, fascinating though they may be, remain alien.
The fact that other races see us as one people, and at times attack us as one people, aids this process of rising racial consciousness. A similar situation prevails among Blacks. European Americans are awakening, and we are starting to take charge of our own destiny again. Such is the way that peoples and nations are formed. Such is the way of Nature. And the screams from the ivory towers of the academic elite will not stop this process. One of the latest hysterical screams from the academic left is the claim that the White race simply does not exist, that there is no such thing and never has been. A large number of degreed whores of Academe say so -- but then they also think that Bill Moyers can be taken seriously. There is a political agenda behind the "there is no such thing as the White race" malarkey, and it exposes itself every time the obvious corollary is stated: If there is no such thing as the White race, then there is no collective responsibility for the real and imagined sins it committed against the equally imaginary African, Amerind, and other races which stand impatiently in the handout lines for what's left of the tax money after the bureaucrats have taken their cut. No more affirmative action -- races do not exist! No more "Holocaust" reparations -- races do not exist! No more "diversity" training -- races do not exist! Oh, that would never do. It is only the White race which does not -- cannot -- exist. It cannot exist, because if its existence were admitted, then the genocide which is now being practiced against it would become immediately obvious. And even a few honest liberals might pale at that and spoil the whole show. The multiracialists have painted themselves into a corner. What to do? Probably just mumble that the "oppressed" groups are "peoples," "nations," or something of the sort. And they will hope that Whites never wake from their stupor and coalesce into a "people" just as conscious of its interests and destiny as, say, the Jews. What a different world that would be. If it is illegitimate morally and untenable scientifically for Whites to organize on the basis of a perceived common race or ethnicity (or even to claim that their race exists), then surely the same would hold true for Jews and Blacks. Perhaps one day "liberal" true believers will wake up and discover that nothing exists. That is the end of the road for their mode of thinking. The verb "to be" is anathema to them. The thought that there might be an absolute reality outside themselves, a reality which is what it is regardless of their wishes, theories, hopes, daydreams, or decrees is as intolerable to them as it is to a two-year-old. Believe it or not, they have even developed a language (called "e-prime") -- a version of English which eschews completely the verb "to be." "Liberals" are very suggestible, and are really the victims of, not the originators of, the "race does not exist, but some races must be favored" swindle. It is convenient to demonize and dehumanize people that you are going to commit genocide upon. And it is easier to commit genocide when you convince your henchmen that the victims really don't exist. That is what the "White race does not exist" con is really all about. It is a warrant for genocide. Another lie which the academic elite rams down the throats of our children on a daily basis is that their technique of genocide -- racial mixing -- is really good for us because it brings "hybrid vigor." Hybrid vigor refers to exceptional growth which sometimes manifests itself when scientists cross or hybridize strains of plants or animals experimentally. Hybrid vigor signifies nothing in terms of the human genius needed to create and sustain a civilization. Where it exists, such as in corn or apple trees, it usually peters out after a few generations. A far more important concept in the crossing of human races is "regression to the mean." This means that even if you mate a Negro genius with a White person the offspring are, on average, likely to exhibit Negroid characteristics more typical of the average Negro, and not necessarily of that particular Black genius, and this is even more true of succeeding generations. Regression to the mean in the case of interbreeding with Africans means regression to the African mean, with Asians to the Asian mean. Neither holds out promise of raising the level of the upper half of our bell curve -- rather the opposite. The other races have mixed with Europeans, and everywhere the results are, to say the least, unimpressive. They have nothing to offer us. Some advocates of racial mixing point to areas where the other races are superior to Whites: Blacks in athletic ability, Asians in social unity, etc. But we cannot (yet) select such characteristics, especially when you are talking about random interbreeding as advocated by liberals and Communists. In the long run you will get random combinations of the different characteristics, most of which will not be superior. You will get regression to the mean. For such a questionable experiment, you would destroy one of Nature's creatures? Would you force bald eagles and fish eagles to mate? Lions and tigers? The European race has all the diversity it needs for health and further evolutionary development. It is a moral and environmental crime of the highest order to destroy it by breaking down all its defenses against interbreeding. The academic whores and shills who call for genocide are always prating about how we can't say for sure how much of our intelligence and our civilization is genetically determined and how much is caused by environment. (They used to say that it was all environmental, but the evidence is too contrary, so they've given up on that score.) But I say to them -- even you admit that you don't know that our unmatched civilization is not the result of our genetic makeup. If it is, and you obliterate that unique genetic code, do you realize the enormity of what you have done? Whites should be allowed to re-erect their traditional barriers against mating and social contact with non-Whites in order to preserve our kind. Anything else is genocide. I can hear the academic genocide-justifiers coming out of their holes and whispering to our young people -- "There is only one race -- the human race. We are all one species."
And our race is threatened. Nowhere is our birthrate above replacement level. Everywhere our borders have been opened and the new elite teaches our children that intermarriage is good and desirable. Everywhere the new elite teaches our children that to defend our genetic heritage is the very definition of evil. The end result, if trends continue, will be genocide. The end result will be death for the uniquely beautiful, intelligent, and creative people called by the name of the goddess Europa.
Free Speech -- July 1996, abridged text. |
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