The Big Lie about the Berlin OlympicsDr. William L. Pierce |
In its broadest scope, the Holocaust
myth involves much more than the supposed gassing of the famous "six million."
It includes every related lie which the Jewish propagandists have invented
about Germany and the Germans in the period 1933-1945. One of the most
brazen of these lies concerns the Olympic games of 1936, which were held
in Berlin.
The truth of what happened at the 1936 Olympic games was witnessed by 4.5 million spectators from all over the world, and it has been related numerous times since then -- but never by the controlled news media in the United States, which unvaryingly parrot the same old lie whenever the occasion arises. And it is that lie which the average American, whose greatest single source of information is Jew-controlled television, believes. Checking out the story of the "gas ovens" and the "six million" may be too much for anyone but a scholar experienced in historical research, but any sports fan willing to spend two or three hours in a library reading unbiased accounts of the 1936 Berlin games can convince himself that today's Jewish version of what happened there and then is almost exactly contrary in every particular to the truth.
It would require more study to learn that the National Socialists never theorized that Aryans are inherently better in every type of athletic endeavor than non-Aryans; that instead they recognized that each race's peculiarities give it certain advantages and certain disadvantages in competing against other races; and that the particular form of the "master-race theory" attributed to Hitler is a Jewish invention. But what really should be learned from the lie about the 1936 Olympics is just how credible is the Holocaust myth of which it is part and parcel.
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