Some Thoughts on HitlerIrmin |
"Hitler" as Multiracialist PropagandaThe argument advanced by some racial nationalists that any defense of Adolf Hitler, in light of the hostility and even revulsion that his name now evokes, risks alienating mainstream Whites is plausible on its surface and should receive a respectful hearing. But it is still on balance mistaken.Although most nationalists in the United States and even in Germany do not consider themselves national socialists, multiracialists and anti-White Jewish advocacy groups call each and every one of us a "nazi." It is an undeniable fact that in our contemporary political climate any white nationalism, as recent events in the Balkans amply demonstrate, will be labeled Hitlerian and will summon, in breathless media presentations, "the specter of the Holocaust" and anguished fears that "it" might just happen again, if the goyim get too restless. That, after all, is the central lesson taught by the countless Holocaust Museums sprouting up, like noxious toadstools, throughout most of the West: that White racial consciousness is literally lethal and must therefore be actively combated, a lesson which we have now enshrined, in deference to Jewry, at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, a national memorial to our White wickedness. We are thus obliged, like it or not, to live under Hitler's shadow. Our enemies have ensured that any expression of White racial consciousness, however innocuous, will be officially pronounced hatefully Hitlerian and "nazi," whether we admire Hitler or despise him. It is therefore incumbent on us, as a simple matter of self-defense, to arrive at a balanced view of Hitler and the movement he founded. Anyone who doubts all this should recall the abuse that Pat Buchanan received at the hands of the controlled media and the organized Jewish community during his campaigns for the Republican nomination. Buchanan is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a national socialist, nor even a conscious racialist. He is, instead, a traditional Christian conservative, with all the virtues and liabilities that entails. But he was persistently labeled a "nazi" nevertheless. His 1992 speech at the Republican National Convention, Jewish columnist Molly Ivins opined, "probably sounded better in the original German." Her meaning was clear: She was identifying Buchanan as a "nazi," delegitimizing his nationalism and social conservatism with the most potent weapon in the Left's rhetorical arsenal. So as racial nationalists we can either manufacture false "anti-racist" credentials by claiming to hate Hitler just as much as Abe Foxman does, a subterfuge that I very much doubt will convince anyone, least of all Abe, or we can tell the truth. The truth is that the maniacal
Hitler of popular demonology is a World War II propaganda fiction, and
the principal purpose of the fiction's incessant repetition more than fifty
years after the war is to stigmatize any nationalist movement, NS or otherwise.
Hitler now represents not a specific historical figure and the political
party he led, but nationalism of any variety, from timid anti-immigration
conservatives to angry White-power skinheads. The System's anti-Hitler
orthodoxy, invoked almost daily, is in effect tacit propaganda for multiracialism
and a potent device to keep all nationalists perpetually hiding in closets,
too afraid of labels like "racist" and "nazi" to openly say what we sincerely
believe. We have, therefore, a real interest in demythologizing Hitler,
and we have no hope of escaping our association with what he now represents.
We can't run away from Hitler, however much some of us want to.
Let's Notice the ObviousThe crucial facts about World War II are uncomplicated and readily available in mainstream sources. NS Germany had limited war aims: the recovery of territory taken from Germany at Versailles, the acquisition of living space for the German people in the East, and the destruction of the Marxist Soviet Union, history's most brutal regime. Insofar as the United States had any stake at all in the outcome of the war, it would have been to help Germany and her Axis allies, including thousands of Russian patriots, accomplish the latter. Absent the campaign conducted by the Western democracies to save Stalinism by defeating Hitler, the Soviet Union would have collapsed.Since America had no national interests in the conflict in Europe, our government deliberately lied about German war aims in order to manufacture the perception that we did, claiming that Hitler had global territorial ambitions, a plan for "world domination." Over fifty years later most Americans still accept the lies. The predictable result of the Allied victory and the German defeat was Stalin's occupation of half of Europe. A war that ostensibly began to restore Polish sovereignty ended with Poland, along with the rest of Eastern Europe, being handed over to the Communists. And in quite concrete terms no American would have died in Vietnam if Hitler had destroyed Soviet Communism, arguably the central objective of his political career; American soldiers fought in Europe so that their sons could die in Southeast Asia. None of this should be the least controversial. It is a symptom of the effect of persistent propaganda that so many of us fail to notice the obvious. It is only a slight exaggeration
to say that multiracialism itself, along with our servile deference to
Jewry, is founded on the mythical image of Hitler as evil incarnate, Satan's
secular counterpart in modern history. Remove the false, childishly simplistic
Hitler myth, and a significant ideological justification for multiracialism
would collapse. The simple question, "Were Hitler and NS Germany really
as evil as everyone says?", therefore has huge repercussions, and an entire
machinery of propaganda -- ranging from Hollywood films and "Holocaust
education" in the public schools to off-hand comments in the controlled
media ("better in the original German") -- has been designed to discourage
anyone from even contemplating the obvious but heretical answer.
National SocialismHitler defined his own national socialism as a uniquely German movement:The National Socialist doctrine, as I have always proclaimed, is not for export. It was conceived for the German people. (Hitler-Bormann Documents, Feb. 21, 1945)In other words, German National Socialism arose at a specific time in a specific place under the pressure of a unique set of historical circumstances, none of which could ever be precisely replicated elsewhere. In particular, the autocratic Führer state, central to NS Germany, would never be acceptable to Americans; our republican political culture and belief in individual rights are, thankfully, far too strong. Hitler was a dictator and his government authoritarian; Americans prefer their political and civil liberties. Which doesn't mean that NS Germany was a police state. It had in fact fewer policemen per capita, and far fewer secret police, than either modern Germany or the United States, despite the misleading image most of us have of legions of sinister Gestapo agents kicking down doors in the middle of the night. The basic principles of national socialism are, nevertheless, universal: that God (or Nature) has assigned each of us to a racial group and has endowed each group with distinct qualities; that a nation is not simply a geographical concept, a set of lines arbitrarily drawn on a map irrespective of the people living within them, but instead derives (or should derive) its political institutions and national objectives from the character of the people themselves; that a nation organized to preserve a race and develop its distinctive character is therefore "natural"; that the strength and social cohesion of a nation derives from its sense of a common identity, of which race is the most important determinant; that in addition to our individual rights we have larger social obligations, not only to the present generation of our nation but to its past and future generations as well; that the primary purpose of a nation is not economic, but the preservation and advancement of its people, economics being subordinate to the volkisch (racial/national) objectives that should be a nation's core reason for existing.
In the generic sense of the term national socialism is (arguably) not inconsistent with democratic institutions, despite Hitler's own view of the matter; its true antonyms are multiracialism and capitalist, one-world globalism. Nor is national socialism inconsistent with an American "melting pot" view of ethnicity, provided that the various ethnic groups that comprise the nation are sufficiently similar that each can see a common identity and common destiny in the others -- that is, insofar as they, despite their ethnic differences, are branches of the same race and can, therefore, be effectively acculturated to a common set of national ideals. I consider Hitler less a model to be followed than an avalanche of propaganda we must dig ourselves out from under. Never in human history has a single man received such sustained vilification, the basic effect and purpose of which has been to inhibit Whites from thinking racially and from acting in their own racial self-interest, as all other racial/ethnic groups do. Learning the truth about Hitler is a liberating experience. By the truth I mean not an idealized counter-myth to the pervasive myth of Hitler as evil incarnate, but the man himself, faults and virtues, strengths and weaknesses. Once you've done it, once you've discovered the real Hitler beneath the lies and distortions that have buried his legacy, you'll be permanently immunized against anti-White propaganda, because you will have seen through the best/worst the System has to offer.
Originally posted in 1999 on the old Stormfront listserv. For discussions of related subjects, see The Enduring Allure of Hitlerism, Roosevelt's Secret Map Speech, Internet Censorship and Jewish Destiny, Media Myths, and (off-site) The Danger of Historical Lies. |
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