Britney Spears Nude |
OK, I don't really have any pictures
of Britney Spears nude.
But I know that many of you who drop by this site check the Recent Additions page, and I want to acquaint (or reacquaint) you with Hornbeck's essay on Prof. Kevin MacDonald. If you've already read it and don't want to read it again, accept my apologies for wasting your time. If you haven't read it, the URL for "Cherchez le Juif" is here.
This diversity -- i.e. a scarcity of Whites -- is the ADL's vision of our future, the objective they work for daily, as anyone who visits their website will learn. And while they work toward this objective for us, they also work toward placing Jewish students in all-Jewish schools, free from the diversity they champion for others. The ADL, open opponents of intermarriage between Jews and non-Jews, want racial diversity for us because they know its effects are bad; they want to remove Jewish students from racial diversity for the same reason. The picture is profoundly fraudulent: Jewish organizations like the ADL don't believe that the smirking Jewish student should be there surrounded by other racial minorities; they think he should receive a Jewish education in a monoracial Jewish school, where the three Gentile students would be unwelcome.
For comments on a related subject, see Jewish Hypocrisy and the One-State Solution. |